Monday, January 4, 2010

Whisper Of Death =O

My Book Is About How A Girl Named Roxanne Who Meets A Boy Named Pepper and she and him start going out so then she went to his house and then lost her virginity! So Roxanne becomes Pregnat and finds out a week later so to make sure she took a Pergnancy test and it was positive. She had told Pepper and he said he was not ready for a child. But on the other hand she wanted her baby but she did what was best and had got an Abortion because she could not keep the baby her father would be really upset. So they decided to spend all there savings.

Soon she is ready for Abortion so Pepper and Roxanne head off for the road to go to the clinic. Soon there Already there they had woke up early and thats why there was no one there. So the doctor had put a needle in her arm and then everything became a blur! But then thats when she decided to not do Abortion that she would talk with her father who was out of town....................

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